Using Colors to Enhance Mood in Web Design

color psychology

As web designers, we often focus on functionality and user experience when creating websites. But have you ever considered the role that color plays in shaping the overall mood and feel of a website?

Colors are closely related to our emotions and moods. Each color affects us differently. Sometimes they make us feel happy, help us focus, or calm us down. Warm and cold colors can also make us feel different.

Color psychology can help strengthen your brand, drive sales, and even direct visitors to specific pages or actions on your website. That is why it is essential to understand the psychological effects colors can have on the average person. The basics of the theory and meaning of colors are crucial.

By understanding these psychological meanings of color and how they affect the user experience, web designers can use color to create a specific mood on their websites and enhance the overall design.

In this article, we will explore how color can affect the mood of website visitors, the psychological meanings of different colors, tips, and best practices for using color in web design, and examples of websites that effectively use color to enhance their overall design.

Color psychology

How Color Can Affect the Mood of Website Visitors

Studies have shown that color plays a significant role in how we perceive and react to our surroundings. For example, blue is often associated with calmness and serenity, while the color red is associated with energy and excitement. The colors used on a website can, therefore, influence the emotions and actions of the visitors.

According to a study by the University of Loyola Marymount, color can influence:

  • 60-90% of a visitor’s first impression of a website
  • 85% of a visitor’s opinion on a brand
  • 75% of the visitor’s assessment of the product or service
  • 40% of the visitor’s decision to purchase a product or service

This research highlights the importance of understanding color psychology and how it can affect the user experience when designing a website. By choosing the right colors, web designers can create a specific mood and influence the behavior of visitors on their websites.

Color psychology

The Psychological Meanings of Deferent Colors

As already mentioned, different colors evoke different emotions and reactions in people. Here are some of the most commonly associated color meanings in web design:


Blue evokes a sense of calm, as well as security and confidence. Blue is one of the most commonly used colors in product design. For any website that requires reliability, it is best to use this color. Users feel calm, confident, and serene. 

Different shades of blue evoke varied emotions in humans. The light blue color creates emotions such as calm and makes the user feel refreshed. Blue is also associated with happiness. Dark blue is best for corporate design because it helps give a professional feel, but too much can create a cold, non-committal feel.

Blue - Color psychology


Green symbolizes health, a new beginning, and wealth. It is also easy on the eyes. You can use it to balance the design. 

The best option is green if a company wants to portray growth, security, or inspire opportunities. Green can also be soothing and relaxing.

Darker shades are more related to money, so sites that want to instill wealth, growth, and stability use these shades. Lighter greens are more associated with spring and growth, so companies that want to create a sense of relaxation, freshness, and honesty use lighter shades.

Green is a great way to reassure visitors. It also suggests determination. Use green to give readers the feeling of being healthy, vibrant, and satisfied. 

It is great for science, tourism, medicine, human resources, the environment, and sustainability. It is less suitable for luxury goods or technologies.

Green- Color psychology


Yellow makes you feel happy and spontaneous. Yellow is the most energetic of the warm colors. It is associated with laughter, hope, and sunshine. 

Accents in yellow help to give your design energy and will make the viewer feel optimistic and cheerful. But you shouldn’t overdo it.

In the world of marketing, yellow describes common sense without worries or depressing thoughts. It is best suited for online stores that sell products such as children’s clothing and toys. From an early age, people learn to associate yellow with the sun, so it is associated with warmth and happiness. It makes the brighter yellow ideal for sites designed for children, as it attracts their attention. 

The lighter shades of yellow have more complex associations. Darker shades may suggest antiquity, reminiscent of yellowed parchment. Therefore, it can be associated with wisdom and curiosity. Yellow accents also work well on neutral palettes, enlivening the content without affecting the professional look and feel.

Be careful with this color, and use it sparingly. Too much yellow or the wrong shade can look cheap or like spam, and you certainly don’t aim for that.

Yellow - Color psychology


Orange boosts feelings of vitality and happiness. It is very close to and similar to red, but it has different effects. 

Like red, it attracts attention. But it is not so strong color. It is not so intrusive. 

It is aggressive but balanced; it portrays energy but can be attractive and friendly. It combines both of these elements. 

Orange is great for a call to action to buy or subscribe. Orange can also mean sophistication. It is much more balanced than red and combines many things.

Orange combines the emotions of red and yellow. Like yellow, orange radiates warmth and a feeling of cheerful welcome, while red in the mixture attracts attention.

Orange is an energetic and vibrant color, often associated with fun, happiness, energy, warmth, ambition, excitement, and enthusiasm. 

It is good for e-commerce, automotive, technology, entertainment, food, and childcare. Although orange is less saturated than red, it can quickly become too much. You should not overdo it when using it.

Orange - Color psychology


Nothing holds people’s attention like red. Red is the warmest and most dynamic of colors; it evokes opposite emotions. It is often associated with passion and love but also anger and danger. 

If you want to draw attention to a design element, use red. It is considered the most effective color for a call to action. If you design this “act now” button, red is your color.

Different shades affect people differently. A warmer red is soothing. Brighter reds are great for youth websites that want to inspire energy and impatience.

Red is often associated with the design of places to which the user must pay special attention. Use it for accents or different buttons.

Red - Color psychology


Pink represents femininity and romance, sensitivity and tenderness. Although pink is a shade of red, it has some specific and unique associations. It is much softer than red and can be very soothing.

If your target market is mostly women, then pink is a good color for you. It is very strongly associated with youthful femininity.

Many people call it “a girl’s color” but this is not true. It is not as feminine as you think. It is the color of playfulness, joy, tenderness, and romance.

Bright pink can be flashy, and light pink can feel too sentimental or sweet for some sites. It is not suitable for all niches. You have to be careful when using it.

Pink - Color psychology


Purple exudes elegance and sophistication and makes you feel creative. Purple is associated with royalty. You can use it to show creativity, imagination, authority, strength, wealth, prosperity, mystery, wisdom, and respect. 

You can use lighter shades of purple for soothing. That is why they use it in beauty products. You can use it to make the design look more luxurious and rich. A lighter purple shows romance and mystery.

Purple, like pink, is considered a more feminine color and is, therefore, suitable for female audiences. It can be great for beauty products, astrology, healing, spirituality, and content related to teenage girls and female brands.

Purple can be soothing. That generally makes it a bad choice to get attention.

Purple - Color psychology


Black evokes a sense of strength, luxury, and elegance but can also mean professionalism, neutrality, and simplicity. It is a bold and powerful color. You can use it to provoke mystery. 

Black is universal and goes well with any other color. It is best for contrast with the colors used on the website. 

It is not good to be the main color because there is no contrast, and it can look boring. You need to combine it well with other colors to attract attention where you want it.

Use black to emphasize the unique, elite feel of your brand or product. Black accents create a sharp contrast with other elements of the page and combine well with bright colors for an elegant and modern feel.

Black can be great for luxury goods, fashion, marketing, and cosmetics. But whatever you use it for, you shouldn’t overdo it because it can be too much. You can make customers feel uncomfortable and anxious if you overdo it.

Black - Color psychology


White means minimalism and simplicity. The use of white colors in the design creates a minimalist aesthetic and can lead to a simple, fresh, and clean look. However, you should not overdo it. It can become too boring and not attract the attention of the client.

White represents innocence, virtue, and purity. It is also closely related to hygiene and cleanliness, which explains its widespread use in the healthcare industry.

Use white in the palette of your website to let the content stand out and promote a sense of honesty that will lead to conversions.

White is associated with the healthcare industry (doctors, nurses, and dentists), which makes it great for websites related to this industry. It is also used for high-tech and scientific sites. Combined with black, gold, or silver, it can also be great for luxury goods. 

Since the effects of white depend a lot on other colors in the design, it can theoretically be used for any website or niche. You need to combine it with the right colors for your industry.

It is worth noting that the psychological meanings of color can vary based on context and culture. For example, in Western cultures, white is often associated with purity and cleanliness, while in Eastern cultures, it is associated with mourning and death. Therefore, web designers should be aware of the cultural context of their target audience when choosing colors for their websites.

Tips and Best Practices for Using Color in Web Design

Now that we understand the psychological meanings of different colors and how they can affect the mood of website visitors, we will explore some tips and best practices for using color in web design.

Use a limited color palette: 

Using too many colors on a website can be overwhelming and confusing for visitors. Instead, choose a limited color palette and use variations of the same color to create a cohesive and consistent look.

Use contrasting colors to create visual interest: 

By using contrasting colors, web designers can create visual interest and guide the visitor’s eye to specific elements on the website. For example, a bright color on a dark background can make that element stand out.

Use color to create a visual hierarchy: 

Color can be used to create a visual hierarchy on a website, highlighting the crucial elements and directing attention. For example, using a bright color for the call-to-action button can make it stand out and encourage visitors to take action.

Consider the cultural context of your target audience: 

As mentioned earlier, the psychological meanings of color can vary based on culture. Web designers need to understand the cultural context of their target audience and choose colors that align with cultural norms and expectations.

Use color to create a specific mood: 

By understanding the psychological meanings of different colors, web designers can use color to provoke a specific mood on their websites. For example, calming blue and green colors can create a sense of serenity and tranquility, while using bright red and orange can provoke a sense of excitement and energy.

Test and iterate: 

As with any design element, it is crucial to test and iterate to see what works best. Use user testing and analytics to gather feedback and make adjustments to the color scheme as needed.


Examples of Websites That Effectively Use Color to Enhance Their Overall Design

To illustrate how effectively to use color in web design, we will look at examples of websites that use color to enhance their overall design.


Dropbox uses a limited color palette of blue, white, and gray to create a cohesive and consistent look. The use of blue evokes a sense of trust and security, aligning with the brand’s focus on file storage and sharing.


Airbnb uses a bright and cheerful color palette of orange, blue, and white to create a sense of warmth and positivity. Orange and blue create a visual contrast and guide the visitor’s eye to specific elements on the website.


Slack uses a limited color palette of purple, blue, and gray to create a sense of luxury and sophistication. The use of purple and blue creates a sense of calmness and trust, aligning with the brand’s focus on teamwork and communication.


Why use a digital agency for our Web Design

While a business owner or in-house designer can create a website, there are many benefits to using a digital agency for web design. Digital agencies have a team of experts with specialized skills in areas such as color psychology, user experience, and search engine optimization. They also have access to the latest tools and technologies to create cutting-edge websites optimized for conversions and user engagement.

Furthermore, a digital agency can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on industry best practices and data-driven research. By using a digital agency for web design, businesses can ensure that their website is designed with their target audience and business goals in mind, resulting in a website that is both visually stunning and effective.


In conclusion, color plays a significant role in shaping the overall mood and feel of a website. By understanding the psychological meanings of different colors and how they affect the user experience, web designers can use color to create a specific mood on their websites and enhance the overall design. 

By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article and studying some examples of websites that effectively use color, web designers can create visually stunning and effective websites that resonate with the target audience.
If you’re looking to enhance your website design and take advantage of color psychology, consider working with a digital agency. At Dreamtech, we specialize in web design and have a team of experts who can help you create a website that is optimized for conversions and user engagement. To book a call with one of our web design specialists, visit our website or contact us.

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