The differences between B2B and B2C marketing

b2b and b2c marketing

B2B and B2C marketing have been talked about a lot lately, but many people still don’t know the difference. Although B2B and B2C marketing are different, they share the same goals.

Most of the time, B2B (also known as Business-to-business) marketing focuses on purchase decisions driven by a logical process. B2C (also known as business-to-consumer)  focuses on emotion-driven purchase decisions.

B2B and B2C marketers aim to attract the attention of two different audiences. And while there are many similarities between these types of marketing, the way they engage audiences is quite different.

b2b or b2c


As you already know, B2B is also known as business-to-business. From its name, we understand that it is a business whose customers are other businesses. All of their marketing is dedicated to the needs, interests, and challenges of customers who are purchasing on behalf of their organization or business.

There are all kinds of such businesses. B2B are all digital agencies, companies that sell office equipment, interior design companies that specialize in offices, and so on. 



Business to Consumer or B2C describes businesses whose customers are individual consumers rather than businesses. Therefore, marketing is dedicated to the needs, interests, and challenges of people in their daily lives.

These are different businesses. A B2C business can be a cosmetics company, a real estate agency, a car dealership, a retail store, a music or movie streaming service, and many others. While these brands may also appeal to businesses, the majority of their customer base comes from consumers.

Differences between B2B and B2C


B2B marketers go after key decision makers in the organization. They don’t have to worry about everyone in the company or even the end user. They only need to win over a small group of people who make the decisions. It is decisive and crucial.

B2C marketers can target their campaigns to almost anyone who might use their products or services, not necessarily the buyer (such as a child if they’re selling toys). However, again it has to reach the buyer and the person who will make the decision.

audience b2b & b2c

ROI matters in B2B Marketing

B2B audiences look for efficiency and expertise, while consumers are more likely to look for deals and entertainment. The B2B buying process tends to be driven more by logic and financial incentives.

In other words, what is important to them is the return on investment (ROI) or how the business will gain as a result of this purchase. They would only buy something if their business will benefit from it. They’re not looking for fun, they’re looking for a return. The product they buy should make their money.

As mentioned, B2C buy most products for fun or out of necessity, not because they are looking for a return.

Detailed content

In B2B, the customer wants explicit content. He wants to know everything about the product or service you offer him. He wants to know how it will help him, how to work with it and how it will bring him income. 

As already mentioned, ROI is crucial to them. And if there’s no detailed content, they won’t know anything about your product. Details are important to them.  They won’t know if your product is worth it without explicit content.

In B2C, things are different. For most users, detailed content is rather unnecessary. They don’t need that many details. 

You have to win them over with a good ad, beautiful pictures, or a catchphrase to catch their attention. They’re not looking for a return on your product, so they don’t need overly detailed content.

content in b2b & b2c

Purchase cycle

The B2B buying cycle is often longer than the B2C decision process.

B2B marketing requires more lead maintenance and close attention to user experience. Since these solutions are designed to achieve long-term goals for a company, the process the company goes through when evaluating your product is much more complex. Be patient when marketing to other businesses and create content for them that addresses the different stages of their buying cycle.

In B2C, the process is much faster. Consumers don’t think that long. With them, the resolution is much faster and easier.

The tone you use

In B2B, you can use more complex and specific words. A more formal attitude is also well received. It can demonstrate professionalism and go down well with other businesses.

In B2C it is much different. Most users don’t like the overly formal tone and complicated words. 

When it comes to brand voice, the simpler the better. Brands need to be the most connected in the B2C community. 83% of users prefer an informal tone in content.

the tone

An emotional decision

Most purchases are emotional decisions. Everything we do is driven by our emotions. 

In B2B, emotions take a back seat. It should be considered how this product will bring revenue to the business and how it will help it grow. In most cases, in the end, the decision is made emotionally.

B2C customers, on the other hand, are much more dependent on their instincts when deciding to buy something. Since these people don’t answer to anyone else when they make a purchase, a brand that tells an inspiring story about someone who has benefited from the product can be all the convincing they need.

When is a company B2B and when is it B2C?

There are many differences but also many similarities between B2B and B2C. The same company can be B2B and B2C at the same time. It happens often. 

For example, a company may sell hair care products to consumers but also supply beauty studios. It can be a business that sells oral care to individuals and dental offices. It may be an interior design firm that designs offices, but it also has a department that designs individuals’ rooms in their houses. The examples are many.

Sometimes people get confused when the line is so light. This line is unnoticeable, and the two things overlap. Because of this, many people don’t know what kind of marketing to focus on. If the line is more distinct, it is easier.

b2b or b2c

If you don’t know how to do your marketing, the best option is to hire professionals to manage it. In our blog, you can read eight good reasons to hire a digital agency.
If you have further questions, you can always contact us. We at Dreamtech are always available. You can contact us or book an appointment for your free consultation.

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